A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels

In the beginning

One day, way back in 2007, or maybe 2008, Sean mentioned to Amy, wouldn’t it be awesome if we quit our jobs and travelled around the world for a year?  Amy replied, of course.  But…who does that?  How can we just quit?  Who can afford that?  What would we do with our cat?  What would we do when we got back?
Then Sean kept forwarding Amy links to blogs of people who did just that.  Who, just, you know, quit.  Who left behind good jobs, sold their houses, put their stuff in storage.  People who seemed perfectly normal.  And not rich.
It remains unclear even now how we crossed over from the idea of wouldn’t this be awesome to ohmygod we leave in eight days.  But here we are.
This is the story of Amy and Sean’s trip around the world.

One Response to “In the beginning”

  1. Have an awesome time, you guys! We’ll have fun reading along with your adventures, and who knows? Maybe we’ll meet on the road someday. 🙂

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