The quintessential experience in Budapest is to visit a bath. Thermal springs bubble underneath the city, and someone decided long ago it would be a good idea to tap into them. We visited one of Budapest’s more famous baths, the Szechenyi Baths. Szechenyi is located in Budapest’s City Park at the end of stately Andrassy Boulevard. We didn’t know what to expect, but the baths turned out to be like a giant warm swimming pool. Except people don’t really swim, they just sort of hang out in the water.
There are three baths inside: one warm, one hot, and one positively freezing.
Outside, there is one hot bath (like a giant hot tub), a lukewarm one designed for more movement, and a warm one.
The baths were filled with people, including many locals. Hungarians believe the thermal waters have healing powers. Sean mostly complained he was hot (considering it was a 90+ degree day), but did admit that his knee, which can be sore at times, did feel better.
In the warm pool, there were giant jets bubbling up. I waited around to float in the bubbles, and noticed the jets were occupied almost exclusively by women. And once they found one, they weren’t giving them up. I wondered what all of the fuss was about and then it dawned on me.
Of course. The bubbles were like the Rejuvenator.
LOVED this post!!! See you in a few days!
Wow – these look ah-ma-zing. Seriously, I so want to go there now.