A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels

Rynek Glowny

Krakow’s main square, Rynek Glowny, is one of the largest of the European cities. It is filled with people, vendors, Polish food, pigeons, beautiful buildings, and churches. We spent lots of time just walking through the square.

Unfortunately, it is also filled with people trying to sell you tours around the city and the sites close by. Some days we could not walk two steps without someone new asking us to take a tour. Mostly because of this, Krakow felt more touristy than the other cities we visited in Europe. ย Despite this slight annoyance, we think Krakow is a great city to spend some time in.

2 Responses to “Rynek Glowny”

  1. danielle says:

    I know you are under time restraints and all, but these “tony friendly” posts are not cutting it ๐Ÿ˜‰ We want details and lots of pictures!!!!!

    Be safe in South Africa. I’m waiting with baited breath to hear your take on Ireland…… and I can’t wait for the pictures and info from South Africa!

    Have fun! I hope it is everything you have imagined and more!

  2. Hey guys, I just noticed you’re in South Africa right now! We’re headed there ourselves this fall – it’s where my parents are from. Hope you have a great time there! ๐Ÿ™‚

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