A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels

Happy Halloween from Japan!

Happy Halloween, Japanese style!

Allow me to skip backwards (since we are no longer in Japan) and forwards (since I still have another post planned for South Korea) in time to wish you Happy Halloween. Someone in Japan told us that Halloween is mostly a Western holiday not celebrated by the Japanese, but judging by the Halloween sights on the streets, I don’t think that’s true. Plus it makes sense that the Japanese would love Halloween; they certainly have a sweet tooth, and the day we spotted the costumes below was in the same neighborhood as where the Japanese teenagers dress up in cos-play all year long.

Hope you have a great Halloween; eat extra candy for me!

Spotted on someone's doorstep in Kyoto's Arashiyama neighborhood

Spotted in a Toyko Krispy Kreme

Spotted in Ueno Park

Spotted at a Tokyo flower shop

Spotted on Takeshita Dori in Tokyo's Harajuku neighborhood

Takeshita Dori in Harajuku again

Where's Waldo? On Takeshita Dori.

Where else? Takeshita Dori. (There was a Halloween parade going on).

Also spotted on Takeshita Dori! (Along with his friend, above).

Merry Christmas! Oh wait, wrong holiday. Spotted in Tokyo's wholesale district, in October. Unfortunately jumping the gun on Christmas must be an international problem.

4 Responses to “Happy Halloween from Japan!”

  1. Mom.Joan says:

    Happy Halloween, Amy & Sean!! I love the kitty cat pictures. I bet Fabulous is going to be in for an adventure next year!

  2. jewels says:

    LOVE these pictures! So cute! Had a wonderful Halloween wknd, hope you guys did too. Except the Steelers lost…Boo!

  3. Amy says:

    Although I am quite the crazy cat lady, I am not crazy enough to dress up my cat (not counting that one time where he was subjected to wear a purple shirt with “born fabulous” bedazzled on it) and take him out onto city streets!

  4. Mom.Joan says:

    Good thing you mentioned that….I have pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚

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