A Chronicle of Amy and Sean's World Travels


High up in the Japanese Alps sits a little village called Shirakawa-go.ย  There, because of the snow that falls every winter, villagers built homes with steeply pitched thatched roofs.ย  The quaint little mountain town is a World Heritage site.ย  Although tourists, mostly Japanese, traipse through the town, people still live there, lighting fires on the first floors for warmth and nurturing silk cocoons on the second floors for income.ย  The day we visited, a houseโ€™s roof was being re-thatched.ย  We went to Shirakawa-go to see the houses, but I found another pleasant surprise.ย  The town is bursting with flowers, meaning that I ended up with just as many pictures of the flowers as the houses.

One Response to “Shirakawa-go”

  1. Wow, what a gorgeous place! ๐Ÿ™‚

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