To Whom It May Concern:
I’m sorry to disappoint the person who came to this blog after searching for “naked Japanese women in a hot spring,” or more disturbingly, “naked students onsen,” but as you’ve probably figured out by now, Google is not yet quite as fine tuned as you and it someday hope it might be. ย Take it from the many disappointed people who have come to Surrounded by the Sound after searching for some variation of a European country + “nude beach.” ย And to the person who day after day keeps searching for “Tom and Jerry porn” – ew, just ew.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
LOL! We’re endlessly amused by the creepy Google searches that bring people to Hedgehogs. The Tom and Jerry porn thing, though, is just a world of ew.
Of course, because that phrase keeps getting mentioned on this page, you’re just climbing the Google page-ranks for it. Tom and Jerry porn. Tom and Jerry porn. Tom and Jerry porn.
We’ll get you into the top 10 for that search yet. ๐
All together now – thanks, Tim!
I’m having a pretty crappy morning, so I have to say, this MADE MY DAY! I can’t stop laughing!
Tom and Jerry Porn!
Sorry Aim. I had to do it!